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Statement on Grieco Anti-Holiday Bill

Writer's picture: SSH - FLSSH - FL

Updated: Dec 7, 2020



Cancel Culture Rears its Ugly Head in Tallahassee as

Sketchy Politician Proffers Fake News

Tallahassee – Save Southern Heritage Florida officially goes on record opposing House Bill 6007 sponsored by Rep. Grieco (D) from Miami Beach which would eliminate three historic Florida state holidays including Gen. Robert E. Lee's Birthday and Confederate Memorial Day. Griico, who filed the bill with fanfare this week, came to Florida from New York to attend University of Miami Law school and stayed. “Rep. Grieco just earned our ‘Damn Yankee’ award. People like him come to Florida from up north, presumably because they like it here, and then try to change everything” said Save Southern Heritage - Florida spokesman David McCallister. Grieco has made the news before, once when he was accused of witness tampering in an NFL Player case, and again when he was charged with election fraud, pleading out after agreeing not to run for office for a year. Rep. Grieco may be trying to score some points with south Florida Democrat party leaders like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who has been an advocate of eliminating Florida’s Southern History and who rule South Florida Democratic Party politics with an iron fist. “Grieco is a poster child for a dirty politician and needs to rehabilitate himself before declaring himself judge and jury on what should be eliminated in Florida,” McCallister said. Grieco claims to be a ‘perpetual philanthropist' and a Catholic on social media. “If Rep. Grieco really wanted to file a bill to advance minority identity, why not file a pro-holiday bill maybe for Kwanza or Juneteenth. No, he and his radical left-wing pals just want to tear things down they disagree with. It’s nothing more than the virtue-signaling cancel culture from Anti-fa in suits,” McCallister said. “You would think that a representative from a district with a memorial to another significant human tragedy – the Jewish Holocaust– would be an itsy bitsy bit more sensitive” McCallister added. Grieco released a statement on December 4, justifying the bill based on recent events in Missississippi involving their state flag. “This is more fake news from a politician that thinks no one is going to fact check him. The citizens of Mississippi didn’t have a choice to keep or not keep their flag” McCallister said. Extreme out of state pressure in the wake of the unrelated George Floyd incident caused the Mississippi legislature to cave in and subsequently railroad voters into a dead-end ballot referendum question that didn't allow voters the option to retain their flag, despite a resounding 64% to 36% state-wide vote in 2001 to retain the flag. Confederate Memorial Day has been observed in the south since 1866, and is still observed throughout Florida today. Democrat Governor Lawton Chiles, in 2005, issued a Confederate Memorial Day Proclamation. Republican and Democrat Elected officials, alike, have attended Confederate Memorial Day services over the years, which was established by a war widow as a way to remember, just one day of the year, the horrific loss of life of husbands, fathers and sons who perished in the War. McCallister said “Grieco just wouldn’t understand and he doesn’t seem to want to or he would never have filed this bill in the first place. It is nothing but bigotry and hate of Southerners, veteran shaming and Confederophobic”. “We are confident that the less beholden Democrats and Republicans with pro-veteran sentiments will quash this outrageous and hurtful bill” McCallister concluded. HK Edgerton, past president of the Asheville NAACP, when asked to comment about the bill said “people like him come down to the Southland with their Yankee ideas and don’t understand the harm they are doing. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were champions of the Black Man in America. And even discussing getting rid of Confederate Memorial Day is a slap in the face of the army of free and slave blacks that supported the Southern war effort that wouldn’t have lasted a day without them”. "This so-called elected official isn't worthy of cleaning the poo off General Lee's boots" he added.

SAVE SOUTHERN HERITAGE Inc. is a not for profit corporation that educates & advocates on behalf of Southern Heritage & History. It was started in 2015 in response to the knee-jerk Anti-Southern institutionalized bullying and “Eracism” levied against the people of South Carolina by Governor Nikki Haley, after she broke all previous agreements about how South Carolina’s historical veterans and their symbols should be treated and respected. The Florida branch was activated in mid-January 2016, in response to three initiatives in the Florida Legislature that are part of a hate campaign led by Anti-American extremists, who refuse to respect the various cultures that make up the fabric of Florida’s society. Since that time, it has grown in membership and has been active in battles over American History and throughout Florida including the “We’ll Remember in November Campaign” that resulted in #heritagehater candidates to lose elections in Florida and others to win. More info:



David McCallister

Phone: 813-778-1202



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