Dear Republican Party,
I wanted to let you know that I voted for all your candidates this year... every one. I held my nose and I voted for Rick Scott and Laurel Lee. But you need to know why because it won’t happen again unless Republicans change their ways.
I held my nose and voted for them because I wanted to give President Trump a majority in Washington. It is my expectation that they will follow his lead and not give him a hard time like when some Republicans overrode Trump’s veto of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, which resulted in the re-naming of military bases and the removal of the “Reconciliation Memorial” at Arlington National Cemetery.
I expect them to support his efforts to restore our American history and culture….all of it.
A long time ago, Pat Buchannan said "destroy the record of a people’s past, leave it in ignorance of who its ancestors were and what they did, and one can fill the empty vessels of their souls with a new history, as in 1984. Dishonor or disgrace a nation’s heroes and you can demoralize its people.
I refuse to be demoralized. The blood of Revolutionary Patriots runs in my veins, the same blood that stood up to a Marxist revolution that resulted in the shed blood of nearly a quarter million Americans (over 5% of the population).
Lincoln may be extolled by the uninformed, but he presided over a massacre of the Constitution he swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend which my forefathers shed their blood to establish. Trump like many others is wrong about him. But he is right when he said "our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the Radical Left, and we can’t let that happen”.
Rick Scott, as Florida Governor, presided over the humiliation of Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith, a real war hero, not one who wears a ball cap. He dissed countless others, including past Governors by canceling them from the Florida Veterans Hall of Fame.
Laurel Lee, as Florida Secretary of State, had a legal duty to protect Florida historic monuments under Florida law, but denied that duty and allowed the radical left to remove and destroy many historic monuments in my State.
Their actions only emboldened and encouraged the Marxist revolution that Trump is trying to quash.
This is why I voted for Trump, and why I held my nose and voted for Scott and Lee…. this time.
A Florida Republican Super-Voter